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Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery


What is laser cataract surgery?

The use of a Femtosecond Laser in cataract surgery allows for micron level accuracy to be available to the public. It has the potential to carry out cataract extraction through a pin-prick incision, hence it is far safer than traditional methods. The system’s imaging device provides the surgeon with a 3D view of the eye, allowing for more accurate evaluation.





Administration of anesthetic drops into the eye


A suction ring is placed onto the patient’s eye. Picture shows a screenshot of the laser application locations.



A clear and thin capsule surrounds the lens within the eye. During cataract surgery the front portion of the capsule is removed in order to gain access to the cataract (this lies within the main body of the lens). The femtosecond laser creates a near perfect round opening in the anterior capsule by dissecting it with a spiral laser pattern. The tissue is then simply removed with surgical forceps.


After capsulotomy the surgeon now has access to the cataract to remove it. Phacoemulsification is the process used to describe the breaking down of the cataract into smaller pieces. The femtosecond laser applies a number of pulses to the lens to soften the lens into smaller pieces.


The femtosecond laser is used to create small incisions into the peripheral cornea.


A phaco probe is inserted through the corneal incision into the lens capsule. The probe emits ultrasound waves  which break the cataract into tiny fragments; these are suctioned out of the capsule by an attachment on the probe tip.


Text Box: Picture CAfter removal of the cataract-damaged lens, an artificial intraocular lens (IOL) is implanted. IOLs are usually made of soft acrylic or silicone so they can be folded within a small injector. Once the IOL is implanted it unfolds and anchors itself within the lens capsule (Picture C). The IOL implanted is selected based on power calculations made prior to surgery.

